Hinduism was banned. Hindu practices and rituals were forbidden. All forms of Hindu worship were denied.
Hindu temples were razed and laws were passed so that only christians could own land.
Many Hindus converted. Sometimes whole villages coverted to christianity en masse. Most thought this was a phase which would end soon and they would be able to go back to their routine and old ways again. Many Hindus fled the islands of Goa onto the mainland with their deities into the forests of Antruz, now called Ponda which was then under the rule of the Hindu Sonde rayas.

The people who stayed on had their Shendys (Ritual tufts of hair signifying their Hindu heritage)cut, their Janve's (Sacred thread worn over their left shoulder) taken off. Perhaps understanding the strict shuddhi (Purity) laws these people were forced to eat beef and pork thereby making sure they would never be accepted back into the Hindu fold. The orthodox Hindus who wanted to preserve their faith went into a cocoon mode and continued their worship in private on the mainland. There are acoounts of christians sitting with Hindus for wedding meals and therefore the whole wedding party losing their shuddhi. Pork and beef were also thrown by the portuguese in all the wells. There was therefore no option but to drink this water for the few who were left behind. Many were reconciled to the new situation and accepted christianity.

Over a period of time the Hindus rebuilt their temples outside the portuguese territories. These became thriving centres of the old religion. Many christians continue to worship at their ancestral temples and give offerings to their family deities.
Hindus form almost 65% of the population of Goa. Goan Hindus have also migrated all along the western coast of India and even beyond India's shore and continue to uphold their age old traditions.
Christians and Hindus have lived together for many generations. Christianity has become a way of life and a source of spiritual sustenance for many. Hinduism has continued to thrive. Hinduism's tradition of syncretism continues and many Hindus now accept the divinity in Christ as part of the overall divinity. Hindus and Christians worshipping together in temples and churches in not uncommon.
The shuddhi laws have almost completely disappeared and it is no longer taboo to co-dine with christians. Indeed inter religious marriages are getting more common. It is this spirit of co-existence which keeps India moving.
Inspite of hiccups of intolerance by and large Hindus, Christians and Muslims peacefully share their state of Goa and their country India.
1 comment:
Very nice and interesting post in a very impressive expressions!
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